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This talk will briefly touch on some of the reasons why many learners with dyslexia and related specific learning difficulties struggle with writing and potentially become reluctant writers. But most importantly, this talk will provide attendees with simple, practical strategies, resources and activities that could be used to help improve the writing development of a weaker writer and encourage even the most reluctant writer to start writing and sharing all their wonderful ideas.

Claire Harvey, Head of Education at Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity, will lead the session which will end with attendee questions.

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About The Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity:

The Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity supports children and adults with dyslexia and other related specific learning difficulties. The charity also supports parents, teachers, and employers.

Their team of specialists provide help through dyslexia assessments, consultations, 1:1 tuition and training – plus courses, workshops, information and advice.

Claire Harvey is Head of Education at the charity, leading their training for education professionals. Claire previously worked in a large primary school as a SEN Team Leader. Claire is also a specialist teacher and assessor. She is committed to making a real difference to the lives of learners with specific learning difficulties.

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