Can I use artificial intelligence as a writing tool?
The work submitted must be original and not produced or edited by Chat GPT or any other AI creation tool
The work submitted must be original and not produced or edited by Chat GPT or any other AI creation tool
Short-listed entrants will be interviewed in person or via zoom before the judges make their final decision
Yes. The entry form has a space to enter your pen name but please also submit your real name on the form.
Yes. We just ask that all authors are named on the form.
Translation of a writer’s own work into English is allowed. However, translations of someone else’s work is not eligible. An author’s translation of their own [...]
Novels that have been traditionally published are not eligible.
No. All entries must be submitted through the online form.
We will check the word count of submissions.
Your synopsis should include a clear summary of your novels main plot.
To keep the competition fair to all writers, any material over 5 pages will not be taken into consideration.