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Tea Party in the Farnham Town Council Chamber to launch the Writing Memories book from members of the Sunflower Café.

Last year a Writing Memories project was initiated as part of the Farnham Literary Festival as a joint venture between Right at Home care agency, the Farnham Herald and the Parish of Badshot Lea and Hale. The idea was to capture the life stories of some of Farnham’s residents who attend Right at Home’s Sunflower Café which meets at the Spire Church on Thursday mornings and caters for people with dementia.

The result is a loose-leaf book of memories from these Farnham residents, recalling visits to shops, pubs, the swimming pool, Gostrey Meadow and many other Farnham places, some still here, some long gone. The hope is that it will be added to over the years to come to make a record of Farnham in the past.

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