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Organised by Farnham Maltings.

Explore how the twin practices of reading and writing foster both gratitude and mindfulness, and how the process begins with simply noticing. Use simple tools and techniques to create unique pieces of writing which reflect what happens when we slow down and take notice.

Led by trained therapist and prize-winning novelist, Joanna Barnard.

Joanna Barnard is a published author, workshop leader and writing mentor. After winning the Bath Novel Award in 2014, Joanna’s first two books were published by Penguin Random House, and she subsequently also qualified as a hypnotherapist and psychotherapeutic counsellor. Joanna’s two main passions, therapy and words, led to her designing and facilitating a series of workshops in Writing for Wellbeing. She also works as a freelance editor and writing coach and teaches creative writing classes for adults. Joanna continues to write and is working on her next novel.

Book Tickets Here: https://farnhammaltings.com/events/writing-as-mindful-practice

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